Yesterday and today the Dow Jones Industrial Average had back to back gains. The Dow had had a streak of 24 days without having back to back gains. Before today, the last time the Dow had back to back gains was September 26, 2008 when the Dow closed at 11143.13. Today the Dow closed at 9325.01 (16.3% lower from 9/26).
Since October 1928, that has happened 18 times; 11 times since the Great Depression and 7 times during the Great Depression. It happened 5 times in 1931 alone. That is pretty dismal considering it could only happen 11 times within one year. The record is 52 days without back to back gains set in 1931. The last time it happened before this string was in 1995 and then 1984 before that.
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